Aoudad Hunts
Aoudad, also known as Barbary sheep are native to the rugged cliffs of Northern Africa. They were introduced into the state of Texas in the late 40's and early 50's. Since 1963 the numbers of aoudad in Texas has grown 1,800% with over 25,000 sheep in the state of Texas. The Miller Ranch has great numbers of aoudad but to maintain the trophy numbers offer only a limited number of hunts a year. Hunters will be put on a minimum of a 30" ram with several rams on the ranch potentially going 35" plus. This hunt can be a bit more physical so hunters should be prepared.
Aoudad, also known as Barbary sheep are native to the rugged cliffs of Northern Africa. They were introduced into the state of Texas in the late 40's and early 50's. Since 1963 the numbers of aoudad in Texas has grown 1,800% with over 25,000 sheep in the state of Texas. The Miller Ranch has great numbers of aoudad but to maintain the trophy numbers we offer only a limited number of hunts a year. Hunters will be put on a minimum of a 30" ram with several rams on the ranch potentially going 35" plus. This hunt can be a bit more physical so hunters should be prepared.
Aoudad Hunt Package ($6,000)
Trophy Aoudad are 30" rams and up.
3 Day/4 Night
Fully Guided with Meals and Lodging
*Hunt also includes hogs and predators.
Additional non hunter is $250
(806) 759-5046